About Michaela

Michaela Weaver is the critically acclaimed Executive Woman's Alcohol Coach, best-selling author, TED speaker, and Master Mind/Spirit coach.

She is the world's leading authority for enabling highly successful women to embrace their true, alcohol-free, authentic selves in a world where alcohol is normalised for those who are successful.

Her ground-breaking science-based methods using The Science of Transformational Freedom, result in the revelation of uncovering the secret of control, so that you, the high achieving woman can joyfully live your life free from alcohol – but also thrive in all aspects of your work and personal life without it.

Michaela is a global leader in visioning the science of who you are, when you are free.  Her refreshing perspective, and straight-talking honesty gives clients an uplifting perspective. Her adage is: “It’s not your fault, you are not alone – we can do this.”   She spearheads life transformation for some of the world’s most successful women, through a reformative paradigm shift – free from alcohol misery or dependency and creates a blueprint vision of the future that she supports clients to embrace.

She has worked with countless high achieving women such as corporate board members, company directors, industry leaders, senior lawyers, medics, entrepreneurs and other career professionals – the commonality is that each of the women aspire and inspire, build authenticity, personal growth and fulfilment without alcohol.

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Michaela's personal story.

Michaela’s journey began in 2013 as CEO of an executive coaching company, where she worked with the Cabinet Office in London with government boards, directors of industry and leaders at the highest level in the corporate world on a global stage.

She worked relentlessly hard, juggling her demanding career with raising a family at home. Outwardly Michaela was the pinnacle of success, rising to the highest ranks in her industry, while a wife and a mother of three children. She lived with high expectations and worked under intense pressure personally, and professionally. Yet in reality she concealed a shadow that had fallen over her life. At work in the boardroom, she nursed a closely guarded secret – a growing addiction to alcohol that fuelled self-doubt.

Every night, she drank one or two bottles of wine. At weekends even more.

She suffered blackouts and bouts of complete memory loss.  At times she embarrassed herself in front of family and friends with her drunken behaviour. She felt truly inauthentic.

Every day she lived with the shame, guilt, fear and anxiety of continually breaking promises to herself to not drink. And every night, she repeated the same cycle of failed promises. Her personal life was affected, and her relationships were suffering.

Then one day, her husband delivered a bombshell: “I'm leaving you... I'm not doing this anymore.”

It was her wake-up call.

Visits to her GP, AA and a counsellor failed to do any more than disempower Michaela and add to her confusion. She refused to accept that she was weak, refuted the lifelong label of alcoholic, and was determined to unravel the conundrum.

The turning point came when Michaela started using her expertise, as a graduate scientist and post-graduate executive coach to shine a spotlight on her own descent into the alcohol trap. She further studied addiction science, the biology of desire, neuroscience and psychology.

Then came the paradigm shift

Freedom and control was discovered

One day, surrounded by her papers, research and notes, she realised that she thought and felt differently about alcohol. She felt powerful, and free. Her paradigm had shifted. Michaela had discovered the clarity of freedom.

What emerged is her unique multidisciplinary approach, The Science of Transformational Freedom, which cuts through convention and outdated ideas – to take you to a new level of consciousness. Her goals orientated approach creates an innate power balance away from alcohol to connect with your true and authentic self. The results are a complete shift in your inner paradigm, bringing your golden thread to life and giving you all the power to live an elevated life bursting with infinite potential.

Michaela broke free.

Since breaking free, Michaela has further developed new and higher versions of herself, finding peace and joy in living The Social Secret, and she now works with clients to help them become more fulfilled in life, than they ever imagined possible.

Michaela is a science graduate from Univesrcity College London, and Master Mindset and Happiness coach who achieves phenomenal  breakthrough results for the women who she links arms with. She is a full Member of The Association for Coaching and has a masters in Executive Coaching from University West England in the UK. Michaela is a Certified NLP Master Practitioner, and a Master NLP Coach with The American Board of NLP. She is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist with the American Board of Hypnotherapy, and is a Time Line Therapy Master Practitioner, with The Time Line Therapy Association.
