Alcohol and Menopause: Everything You Need to Know By Michaela
Menopause can bring about a plethora of changes to your body and life — from night sweats, mood swings, and other physical and emotional shifts. However, one factor that many don’t usually want to talk about is alcohol consumption during menopause. As we age, our bodies process alcohol differently than before — not just because of any potential hormonal effects due to the menopausal stage but by increasing sensitivity as well. That’s why it’s important for anyone going through menopause to be aware of the effects drinking alcohol may have on them. In this blog post, we’ll explain how alcohol affects those in menopause; provide information on how much you should drink if at all; as well as detail health concerns you should consider when deciding whether or not you should partake in adult beverages during this time!
Table of Contents
Symptoms of Menopause & Alcohol
Alcohol consumption during menopause can cause a range of symptoms and consequences. One of the most common is cognitive decline, which can affect memory, problem-solving ability, and reaction time. Alcohol can also lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and irritability. These feelings are especially pronounced for women who already experience hormonal fluctuations throughout their menopausal transition. Additionally, alcohol consumption during this period can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and hypertension as hormones in the body are disrupted by alcohol intake.
Beyond these physical effects, alcohol consumption during menopause increases the risk of developing alcohol dependence. In addition to having cravings for alcohol, individuals with alcohol dependence may have difficulty controlling their drinking habits. They may find it difficult to abstain from drinking altogether or may drink more than they intended when they started out. Furthermore, individuals with dependence often experience withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, nausea, and headaches when they don’t drink regularly.
In order to mitigate the risks associated with drinking during menopause, it’s important to practice responsible drinking habits. This includes learning how much you should consume in a single sitting or within a certain period of time; limiting yourself from consuming more than one drink if you’re out in public; setting limits on how many alcoholic beverages you purchase at a store for home consumption; and avoiding situations that could encourage excessive or binge drinking. It is also important to be aware of signs that could mean dependence or problematic drinking behavior is occurring so that appropriate interventions can be taken if necessary.
Risks of Excessive Alcohol Consumption During Menopause
Excessive drinking during menopause can have some serious consequences for your health. Not only can it increase the chances of developing certain chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease, but it can also cause physical and emotional issues such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. In addition to these more immediate effects, drinking heavily during menopause can also lead to long-term health impacts.
For starters, heavy drinking during this time can lead to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Alcohol consumption interferes with the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels which increases the odds of acquiring this condition. Additionally, heavy drinkers are more prone to developing osteoporosis due to reduced calcium absorption in the body caused by frequent alcohol intake. This means that women who drink excessively during menopause may suffer from brittle bones and an increased risk of fractures.
Another major long-term impact from excessive alcohol use is liver damage. Liver cirrhosis is a serious illness that results from excessive alcohol dependence over time and is much more common among individuals going through menopause due to hormonal shifts in the body that make it difficult for women to metabolize alcohol efficiently. Furthermore, there is evidence that suggests that heavy drinking during menopause may increase one’s risk for developing certain types of cancer such as breast and ovarian cancer.
Overall, while moderate amounts of alcohol consumption may not be completely off-limits if you’re going through menopause, too much can put you at greater risk for serious long-term health issues such as type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as a variety of cancers. That’s why it’s important that those going through or about to go through menopause stay mindful about their alcohol intake and aim for moderation if they do choose to drink at all.
Alcohol & Hot Flashes
Alcohol can have a significant effect on women who are going through menopause. Hot flashes, one of the most common symptoms of menopause, can be exacerbated by the consumption of alcohol. The scientific explanation behind this phenomenon is that alcohol contains a hormone-like compound called phytoestrogen which has been known to increase estrogen levels in the body and cause an exacerbation of hot flashes.
As women go through menopause, their bodies become more sensitive to even small amounts of phytoestrogens found in alcohol, which can cause an increase in their frequency and extremity. Additionally, when alcohol is consumed it causes blood vessels to expand, and this increased blood flow to the skin can lead to more intense and frequent hot flashes. Furthermore, drinking alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and interrupt regular wake-sleep cycles which can further aggravate hot flashes.
Women who are going through menopause should be aware that consuming even light amounts of alcohol could lead to an exacerbation of their hot flashes due to its disruption of hormonal balance in their bodies. It’s important for them to limit their intake or abstain altogether as drinking too much could lead to dependence issues as well as serious health risks like cancer or high blood pressure. The risk factors increase with age so it’s important for women over 60 years old especially understand the effects that consuming even minor amounts of alcohol may have on them during menopause.
Alcohol Dependence & Menopause

Thus far, we have discussed many of the impacts of drinking during menopause. However, there’s a difference between simply drinking and having an ongoing alcohol dependence. Women who are going through menopause may be at an increased risk of developing alcohol dependence due to the physical and emotional changes they’re experiencing.
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As women transition into menopause, they experience a number of hormonal shifts in their bodies that can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. These symptoms can lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety which can in turn cause women to drink more heavily as a way to cope with their feelings. Additionally, alcohol abuse can be used as a form of self-medication for those experiencing menopause symptoms like insomnia or fatigue.
The development of alcohol dependence can bring a host of other impacts into the lives of women going through menopause.
Looking to Quit Alcohol?
If you are going through menopause and are getting tired of all of the negative side effects that drinking brings to your life, then you might be interested in vanquishing your alcohol dependence.
The Alcohol Coach has helped hundreds of women achieve dependence from alcohol and end the use of alcohol as a crutch. If you’re ready to discover why so many women use The Alcohol Coach, then enroll in the free 60-minute masterclass where we dive into what you can expect as you move through The Alcohol Coach program.

Hi, I'm Michela
I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!
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