Alcohol Induced OCD By Michaela
Table of Contents
Alcohol Induced OCD and What it Means for You
Many people think of OCD and alcohol dependency as two separate issues, but they are very often tied together and sometimes even caused by each other.
If you believe that you have OCD that is caused by alcohol dependency, then stick around. We’re going to cover how these two obstacles are tied together, how alcohol dependency can cause OCD, and what you can do to overcome alcohol dependency to conquer your alcohol-induced OCD.
What is OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health condition that is characterized by intrusive, obsessional thoughts and compulsive behaviors.
The thoughts can be about anything, but often center around fears of contamination, harm, or perfectionism. The compulsions are typically efforts to neutralize or suppress the thoughts, and can include things like cleaning, checking, counting, or praying.
OCD can be extremely debilitating, as the obsessive thoughts and compulsions can take over someone’s life and interfere with their ability to work, socialize, or even carry out basic tasks. The disorder is thought to have a neurological basis, as evidenced by the fact that many medications that are used to treat OCD work by targeting the brain’s serotonin levels.

Potential Symptoms of Alcohol Dependency
There are many potential symptoms and impacts of alcohol dependency. Knowing these is useful in identifying alcohol dependency and OCD that is induced by alcohol dependency.
Drinking More Than Intended
When a person begins drinking more than intended, this is often the first sign that alcohol dependency has set in. When someone is dependent on alcohol, their body and mind become so used to the substance that they cannot function without it. This means that they will continue to drink even when it is causing them harm, both physically and mentally. Drinking more than intended is a clear sign that alcohol dependency has taken hold and that help should be sought immediately.
Trying to Quit But Being Unsuccessful
Unsuccessfully quitting alcohol is an important signifier of alcohol dependency. When someone is unable to quit drinking, despite wanting to and knowing the negative consequences, this suggests that the person is dependent on alcohol. This inability to quit can be due to physical or psychological factors.
The physical factors can include a tolerance to alcohol’s effects or withdrawal symptoms that make quitting difficult. The psychological factors can include craving for alcohol, strong social habits related to drinking, or beliefs that drinking is necessary for relaxation or pleasure.
People who are dependent on alcohol may continue to drink even when they know it is causing them harm. They may also hide their drinking habits from friends and family and lie about how much they drink. Continued drinking despite negative consequences is one sign of alcohol dependency.
Spending More Time Drinking
If a person spends more and more time drinking, this may be a sign that they are developing an alcohol dependency. When someone is dependent on alcohol, they will often make drinking their top priority, and they will begin to neglect other areas of their life. This can lead to problems with work, school, and relationships. Additionally, continued drinking can have negative impacts on a person’s health, including liver damage and heart problems.
Having a Craving For Alcohol
The craving for alcohol is one of the most recognizable signs of alcohol dependency. When someone is dependent on alcohol, they will often have a strong craving for it, and may even feel like they need it to function. This craving can be incredibly overpowering, and can cause people to do things they wouldn’t normally do in order to get their hands on alcohol. It can be very difficult to break the cycle of addiction, and many people find that they need professional help in order to do so.
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Failing to Meet Work, School, or Family Obligations Due to Drinking
Alcohol dependency can have a significant impact on a person’s life. One sign of alcohol dependency is when a person fails to meet their obligations at school, work, or with family. This may be due to the fact that alcohol takes priority over other commitments and responsibilities. Another sign of alcohol dependency is when a person drinks despite knowing that it has negative consequences for them or for those around them.
Drinking in this way can lead to further problems in relationships, at work, and in other areas of life. Finally, another sign of alcohol dependency is when a person experiences withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, nausea, or shakiness when they stop drinking. These symptoms can also lead to failure to meet these social obligations.
Giving Up Activities Due to Drinking
When a person becomes dependent on alcohol, they will often give up activities or hobbies that were once important to them. This is because alcohol dependency takes up a lot of time and energy, and the person no longer has the bandwidth to do anything else. This can be a sign that alcohol dependency is taking over the person’s life.
Having OCD Symptoms or Intrusive Thoughts
Alcohol dependency can often lead to the development of OCD symptoms or intrusive thoughts. This is because alcohol can act as a trigger for these symptoms, and can make them worse. If you are experiencing OCD symptoms or intrusive thoughts, it is important to seek help for alcohol dependency. Treatment for alcohol dependency will also help to improve your OCD symptoms.
How Alcohol Induces OCD
One of the potential side effects of an alcohol dependency is OCD and intrusive thoughts.
The science of how alcohol dependency causes OCD and intrusive thoughts is not fully understood, but it is believed that alcohol can act as a trigger for these symptoms, and can make them worse. This is because alcohol can affect the brain in a way that leads to the development of OCD symptoms or intrusive thoughts.
Consequences of Untreated OCD
If OCD is left untreated, it can lead to significant problems in a person’s life. OCD can cause problems with work, school, and relationships. Additionally, OCD can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Dealing with alcohol dependency at the same time can make it even harder to overcome OCD. Here are some of the potential problems that can arise from OCD.
Relationship Problems
If you have OCD, you may be so focused on your own thoughts and rituals that you become preoccupied and neglect your partner or spouse. This can lead to tension and conflict in your relationship. In some cases, OCD can even lead to divorce.
Financial Problems
The cost of treatment for OCD can be expensive, and the condition can also lead to lost productivity at work or school. In severe cases, people with OCD may become unable to work or function in society. This can lead to financial problems and even homelessness.
Social Isolation
People with OCD may start to avoid social situations because they are afraid of being embarrassed by their symptoms. This can lead to social isolation and loneliness.
Physical Health Problems
People with OCD may develop physical health problems as a result of their condition, such as skin disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and headaches. Additionally, the stress of living with OCD can weaken the immune system and make people more susceptible to illness.
Untreated OCD Can Be Fatal
In extreme cases, untreated OCD can lead to suicide. People with OCD may become so depressed and hopeless that they see no other way out than to take their own life.
How to Treat Alcohol Dependency & OCD With The Alcohol Coach
If you want to overcome alcohol dependency and ensure that you are able to treat your OCD effectively, then you should consider working with The Alcohol Coach. The combination of OCD and alcohol dependency won’t lead you anywhere good and will continue to affect your life negatively until addressed.
Treating Alcohol Dependency Frees Up Time to Treat OCD
One of the main reasons that you should make treating your alcohol dependency a priority is that treating alcohol dependency typically makes it a lot easier to treat OCD. Trying to deal with these issues simultaneously is a recipe for disaster and is one of the main reasons that many people find it so difficult to overcome them.
The Alcohol Coach Approaches Alcohol Dependency Differently
The Alcohol Coach has such a high degree of success treating alcohol dependency because of her unique approach to the problem. Through empowerment, accountability, and self-respect, The Alcohol Coach teaches clients how to change their mindset and overcome alcohol dependency once and for all.
Editor’s Note:
In this article, you might notice that we use ‘labels’ such as “alcoholic”, “disease”, and other identifiers that are used to link individuals together by their habits with alcohol. Though they are used colloquially, we believe them to perpetuate limiting beliefs.
A key tenet of The Alcohol Coach is that the way to overcome alcohol addiction is through empowerment, not retreating into a space of powerlessness or victim status.
So, even though we may use these terms to communicate a point as it is known by the general public, keep in mind that our core beliefs dictate that these terms be avoided as much as possible.

Hi, I'm Michela
I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!
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