Is a Bottle of Wine a Day Too Much? How to Know You Have a Problem By Michaela

Are you concerned with how much alcohol you are consuming? If you are, that’s probably already an indicator that you have a troubling relationship with alcohol. When asking the question: “is this too much alcohol?”, there’s not always a right or wrong answer.

Of course, the answer is subjective and entirely dependent on your individual ability to function when drinking. Still, we are going to break down whether a bottle of wine a day is too much, how to know you have a problem with alcohol dependence, and how to address it in a way that won’t send you right back into the comforting arms of alcohol.

What Does it Mean to Have an Alcohol Dependency Problem?

First, let’s talk about what it actually means to have a problem with alcohol dependency.

Having an alcohol dependence problem means that you have difficulty controlling the amount of alcohol you consume and that it has become an important part of your life. It is a pattern of drinking behaviors that lead to harm and can have physical, psychological, social, and economic consequences. 

Signs of alcohol dependence may include consuming more than you originally intended or planning activities around when and where you will be able to consume alcohol. Other signs could include continuing to drink even when your health is being affected by it and having difficulty cutting down or stopping drinking altogether despite wanting to do so. 

Alcohol dependence also involves cravings for the substance which can make a person feel less able to cope with stress without drinking, and lead them to use alcohol in unsafe ways such as driving while intoxicated or mixing different types of mind-altering substances together. 

People who are dependent on alcohol may begin exhibiting certain behaviors such as avoiding family members, friends, or other people who don’t drink; talking about drinking regularly; missing work or school due to hangovers; lying about how much they have drunk; neglecting their appearance or hygiene; engaging in risky behavior when under the influence such as unprotected sex; and having blackouts. 

Does a Bottle of Wine a Day Constitute an Alcohol Dependency Problem?

So now that we know what alcohol dependency really is, let’s dive deeper into the behavior of consuming a bottle of alcohol each day.

Consuming a bottle of wine on a daily basis can be a telling sign that someone has an alcohol dependence problem. It’s often easy to recognize when someone drinks to cope with external problems or needs the wine to get through the day. While this isn’t always the case, it’s important to be aware of how much and how often you are consuming alcohol as it can be a strong indicator of whether or not you have an alcohol dependence issue. If you are in doubt, just ask yourself this question: ‘If I needed a bag of carrots every day to relax, deal with stress, and enjoy myself. If I had to stop by the shop on the way home to buy a bag of carrots, and worried if the carrots are running out – would I think that I had a carrot problem? If those things were true about carrots, then the answer if highly likely to be ‘Yes, I do have a problem.’

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The threshold for when drinking crosses over from being social or a treat into being an indication of dependence varies from person to person. The amount could depend on how quickly your body processes alcohol, your height and weight, and other biological factors such as sex and age. When drinking crosses the line into becoming a crutch or habit that is necessary to survive each day is when it becomes concerning. 

Alcohol dependence occurs when drinking becomes so frequent and continuous that the individual needs more in order to feel normal. Having said that, it can be a lot more subtle for the drinker who may be able to not drink for a few days, and then wrongly concludes that there isn’t a problem. Very few people actually think that they cannot function without the help of alcoholic beverages, but they may have an alcohol dependence problem. It’s also common for people who are dependent on alcohol to drink in secret, lie about their consumption, or hide bottles around their homes in order to avoid being discovered by others. It is also common for a high level executive to function well at work, and to reach for a drink at the end of a Zoom call, or as soon as they get home from work. The vast majority of The Alcohol Coach clients are women who work in professional roles, outwardly functioning well, and inwardly suffering.

Short-Term Health Impacts of Excessive Wine Drinking

There are a number of health impacts that someone drinking a bottle of wine every single day can expect to experience.

The most immediate danger is that consuming alcohol in large amounts over a short period of time can cause alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning can lead to serious health problems including coma, loss of motor coordination, difficulty breathing, and even death if not treated quickly. 

Long-Term Health Impacts of Excessive Wine Drinking

Long-term impacts include increased risk for certain cancers such as an oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, and liver cancer; cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeats; a weakened immune system which can make it easier to get sick; cognitive issues such as memory loss; an increased risk for developing depression or anxiety disorders. 

The physical health effects of excessive wine drinking are not the only concern, however. Alcohol dependence can lead to financial problems, relationship troubles, and difficulty at work as well. It is important to address the issue of alcohol dependence before it gets out of control.

How Much Alcohol is in a Bottle of Wine?

A bottle of wine contains 750 ml of alcohol, which is equivalent to around 4-5 shots. Although this may seem like a large amount, it pales in comparison to larger servings from other alcoholic beverages. A standard can of beer contains 355 ml (or two servings) and a standard 750 ml bottle of liquor contains 17 shots. When drinking these larger quantities all at once, it can take a toll on your body and create an unhealthy dependence on alcohol. Furthermore, the amount of alcohol contained in wine is much higher than that contained in most beers, with the ABV (alcohol by volume) ranging from 11-14%, whereas most beers are only 5-7%. All in all, consuming significant amounts of any type of alcoholic beverage carries potential risks, so it’s important to be aware of your own limits.

How The Alcohol Coach Can Help

If you are drinking a bottle of wine a day and are becoming increasingly concerned about it, or a friend/family member has expressed concern, then it might be time to consult with The Alcohol Coach.

The Alcohol Coach has helped countless women escape the daily routine of drinking excessive amounts of wine to get through the evening and instead pursue interests that are constructive, helpful, and healthy.

If you are ready to explore your options, then enroll in the free 60-minute masterclass risk-free. It will show you how The Alcohol Coach isn’t like typical alcohol dependence programs. Our proven program utilizes self-empowerment, accountability, and respect to build a healthy relationship with what you consume.


Hi, I'm Michela

I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!

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