5 Things You Never Knew About Drinking A Bottle Of Wine A Day By Michaela

Drinking wine every day is the latest trend in society. A few people are into this habit. But, there is a difference between a wine drinker and an alcohol drinker. So, if you drink wine every day, you really should look at this article.

‘Do I Have Too Much Wine In My System?’: How Much Wine Should I Drink?

To figure out if you’ve had too much to drink, first figure out how many glasses are in a bottle of wine. This is determined by the size of the bottle and the amount of liquid poured.

A glass of wine is defined as 5 ounces by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). 750 milliliters, or around 25 fluid ounces, is the typical wine bottle size.

According to that calculation, a standard bottle of wine contains about 5 glasses.

When you buy a magnum with 1.5 liters of wine, you’re getting the equivalent of two standard bottles of wine.

That implies it can serve twice as many people, with around ten glasses each bottle. Before you go into what experts have to say about your drinking habits, it’s a good idea to take a breath and stop judging yourself.

Rather than classifying yourself as an “alcoholic,” consider drinking as a spectrum: some people never drink. In contrast, others consume significant amounts of alcohol daily.

Binge drinking does not always imply alcohol misuse. If wine makes you fine, it doesn’t mean you’re a nasty person or that you should abandon your wine enthusiasm.

It simply indicates that your habits aren’t deemed healthy, and you should take steps to reclaim your usual drinking habits. According to the NHS, men and women should not regularly drink more than 14 units a week.

Alcohol is measured in units in the United Kingdom. A unit is 10 milliliters of pure alcohol.

Due to the differing alcohol strengths of the various drinks, a lower strength wine will contain fewer units than a higher strength variety, just as beer and lager do not have the same alcohol volume as whisky or vodka.

As a result, the typical bottle in various drinks may necessitate some binge drinking to reach a harmful level.

Is Fine Wine?: Is Drinking A Bottle Of Wine A Day Is Okay?

They believe that wine is vital and should be included in your diet to help with health issues such as heart disease and weight gain, but this could be an “old wives tale.”

Dr. Kari Poikolainen, a Finnish professor, declared that drinking a bottle of wine per night was not harmful and could even help avoid heart disease. Let’s start at the beginning.

There are only 10 units in a bottle, and alcohol is only hazardous after 13 units. The comment was severely questioned because he has no published studies that lead to this conclusion.

Professor Poikolainen, on the other hand, conducted a previous study in 2002 on the J-curve effect and mortality.

Moderate drinkers, he claims, have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than teetotalers and heavy drinkers.

Wine On Your Vein: Effects Of Regular Drinking Of Wine

It can also be antioxidants and other wine advantages! All of this can be debated, but have you considered the reasons why you shouldn’t drink a whole bottle by yourself?

We’re confident you can come up with a list of 30 reasons to finish that bottle of cabernet sauvignon—you got a promotion, or maybe it’s Friday.

We will talk about what happens to your body when you greedily drink a bottle of wine. But first, let’s make sure we’re on the same page regarding the bottle size.

A standard wine bottle holds about 750 milliliters or 25 fluid ounces of wine. So, instead of a liter or a magnum, we’re talking about a regular bottle.

A bottle of wine yields around 5 servings because a “normal pour” equals 5 fluid ounces. Three of your huge pours are equivalent to five regular pours.

Put your glasses on if you’re only receiving three glasses of wine from your bottle. According to research, here’s what an entire bottle of wine can do to your health. Continue reading, and don’t miss the dangers of drinking a  bottle of wine per day:

You Will Be Legally Inebriated

Your size, gender, age, drinking history, whether you’ve drank, how many shots you’ve had, and the type of alcohol you’re consuming, among other things, all influence how quickly and for how long you get intoxicated.

Most wines, but not all, contain 12% alcohol by volume (ABV). Regular beer has a 5.5% alcohol by volume (ABV).

Some cabernets can go as high as 14 percent ABV. In comparison, zinfandels from California and Australian shiraz wines can be as high as 18 percent ABV.

Dessert wines, like the Port, can have a high alcohol content of up to 20%. But let’s stick with a standard bottle with a 12 percent alcohol by volume (ABV). You’re probably inebriated if you’ve consumed an entire bottle or five 5-ounce servings.

When you’ve completed your fourth glass, whether you’re a guy or a woman, weighing 100 pounds or 240 pounds, you’ve reached the 0.08 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for impaired driving. Of course, the time has a role in intoxication.

Alcohol is metabolized at an average rate of 0.015g per 100mL in an hour. Alcohol may leave the body at a rate of around one standard drink per hour on average. So if you drink a bottle of wine at 10 p.m., you’ll have to wait until 3 a.m. at the very least.

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Coordination And Reaction Time Will Suffer As A Result

According to AAC, consuming a bottle of wine may throw you off balance even while you’re standing still, disturb your coordination, and reduce your reaction time, making avoiding obstacles much more difficult.

Even your hearing will deteriorate, making it possible that you will miss the horn of the approaching car.

Your Heart Rate And Blood Pressure Will Increase.

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure rise with binge drinking—and yes, emptying a bottle of wine counts as binge drinking.

According to the AHA journal Hypertension, drinking wine raises your pulse by roughly 15 beats per minute faster than when you’re sober.

Both blood pressure readings usually fall below the basic level as blood alcohol levels decrease overnight following an evening of drinking.

The study in Hypertension indicated that this temporary fluctuation in blood pressure values can raise the risk of stroke, which has been documented in higher numbers among young adults over weekends and vacations.

You Might Have A Stormy Night’s Sleep

Sure, a few glasses of wine will put you to sleep, but we’re pretty sure you won’t get a good night’s sleep after finishing a bottle.

Researchers from Finland discovered that those who drank substantially reduced their sleep quality by 39.2%, according to a study published in JMIR Mental Health. While alcohol does have a sedative effect, it is short-lived.

Your body senses alertness when the alcohol is metabolized over time, akin to a wake-up call, just when you want to sleep in.

There Will Be Too Much GABA In Your Brain

In the brain, GABA is a neurotransmitter. Alcohol enhances GABA activity, causing neurons to fire more slowly. It also interferes with the brain’s ability to interpret data.

Slurred speech is one way the disruption expresses itself in the wine drinker who has had three too many glasses.

It’s a temporary issue that will pass by in the morning. Still, according to the American Addiction Centers, persons who drink excessively are in danger of getting dysarthria, a medical term for trouble speaking.

If not treated or no lifestyle change happens that brain damage can become permanent over time.

Am I An Alcoholic If I Drink Wine Every Day?

Most people would not consider drinking a bottle of wine every day to be healthy. However, when does it go from a common, harmless occurrence to alcohol use disorder (AUD) or alcoholism?

First and foremost, establishing tolerance to consume an entire bottle of wine is a clear warning sign.

Alcohol use disorder or alcoholism can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Other problems may arise due to high levels of alcohol, such as memory lapses or heightened signs of mental health illnesses.

Fortunately, some steps can be taken to start the recovery process. The Alcohol Coach provides seminars for folks who are struggling with addiction.

Our alcohol recovery coaching program is designed for all degrees of alcoholism. We use tried-and-true methods to help people conquer their problems.

We also provide free resources that you can read instead of grabbing a bottle of wine in your spare time.

If you’re seeking help cutting back on or quitting drinking, online our expert coaching programs are here for you. The Alcohol Coach can help. 

We offer science-based, and inspiring coaching programs. You may also sign up for the free masterclass and have access to free resources that will aid you in your quest towards alcohol-free life!

Please note: Although we refer to ‘alcoholism’ and ‘recovery’ in our articles, this is because these terms are often used by others. 

The Alcohol Coach services come from a viewpoint of empowerment, mindset shift and high powered transformational change. 

Then this happens there are no lifelong labels, no counting days, and pure unbounded freedom and discovery! 


Hi, I'm Michela

I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!

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