How to Stop an Alcoholic From Drinking By Michaela
Are you or someone that you care about an “alcoholic”? Even though we hate using that term and are against putting labels on things like this, this is the most widely-used term for having an alcohol dependency or simply “drinking too much”.
if this is an issue in your life, you are probably frantically searching for a way out of it. This isn’t surprising, given that alcohol dependency issues can cause a number of problems in your life that make it very difficult to enjoy your life to the fullest.
In this post, we are going to talk about some of the strategies for stopping drinking, what downfalls they have, and how you can actually and effectively curb an alcohol dependency using The Alcohol Coach program.
Table of Contents
What is an Alcoholic & Alcohol Abuse?
Before we get started with methods, let’s have a conversation surrounding what it actually means to be “an alcoholic”, why that label is harmful, and how you can define alcohol dependency in a way that is more representative of what the actual, underlying issue is.
It is important to note that an “alcoholic” is not necessarily someone who drinks heavily every day and cannot stop. This is a definition that has gained traction over the years, but it isn’t necessarily accurate of what’s really going on in people’s lives.
Rather, an alcoholic could be someone who drinks more than is recommended or wise, drinks to cope with difficult emotions, and/or is unable to successfully stop drinking when they set out to.
It is much more accurate to refer to a person dealing with an alcohol dependency issue as someone struggling with an unhealthy relationship with alcohol or simply someone who needs help in managing their drinking habits.
Methods for Quitting Alcohol
Now, let’s get to the main point of this post. There are a variety of methods that people use to try and stop drinking, but they are oftentimes unsuccessful. In this section, we are going to take a look at some of the options out there and give you some guidance as to whether they might work for you or a loved one.
Cold Turkey
Stopping cold turkey is a method of trying to stop drinking alcohol, in which the affected person stops abruptly and without any medical or professional assistance. This approach typically involves cutting out all forms of alcoholic beverages at once and not looking back. For some people, this can be an effective way of breaking the habit of relying on alcohol as a crutch. However, for many, it proves ineffective due to increased cravings and withdrawal symptoms that come with quitting abruptly. The alcohol withdrawal symptoms that come along with quitting drinking abruptly can be worse for someone’s alcohol dependence.
The most common physical withdrawal symptoms include a feeling of anxiety, irritability, headaches, fatigue, nausea, and muscle aches. Mentally these symptoms can include paranoia, confusion, and difficulty focusing or concentrating on tasks. In more extreme cases, people may experience hallucinations and delirium tremens – a potentially life-threatening condition where there is a significant risk for seizures. These intense withdrawals are often too difficult for people to manage on their own, leading many to relapse within days or weeks after quitting cold turkey.
When attempting to stop drinking cold turkey, individuals should bear in mind that although this sudden ‘cold turkey’ approach can be successful in the short term, lasting results are much more likely when combined with psychosocial support such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or motivational interviews (MI). Both of these techniques have been proven to be effective methods for helping people maintain their sobriety long-term by changing their thinking patterns and tackling underlying issues associated with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Furthermore, medications such as Naltrexone have been deemed very effective in aiding abstinence from alcohol if taken regularly.
Therefore it is important for individuals looking to stop drinking to understand that although stopping cold turkey might provide instant gratification, it is unlikely to be successful over the long term due to its lack of emotional support and guidance from professionals who can provide helpful advice and strategies needed to achieve sustained sobriety.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a popular method used to help people stop drinking. The program offers support and guidance through the process of sobriety, with people meeting regularly in an effort to stay on track. AA is based on the 12-step program and encourages members to take responsibility for their actions and make amends for the harm that they have caused due to their drinking. AA also helps members build a strong support system, which can be important in maintaining sobriety.
The 12-step program requires members to admit that they are powerless over alcohol and acknowledge that a higher power can help them overcome addiction. Each step focuses on self-reflection and accountability, helping individuals achieve sobriety and find emotional balance. In addition, it encourages its members to use the group’s support network to develop healthier habits and cope with cravings.
Despite the potential of Alcoholics Anonymous as an effective tool for recovery, it isn’t always successful for everyone who participates in it. Some people may find it difficult to commit to attending regular meetings or resist peer pressure from other members who still drink. Additionally, there are some who do not feel comfortable admitting powerlessness over alcohol or relying on a higher power for help; these individuals may struggle more than others while using this method of recovery.
Finally, people must also be willing to work hard at overcoming addiction if they want AA to work for them – making lifestyle changes as well as finding new ways of dealing with stressors that lead them back to drinking alcohol again is essential for success with this method of recovery. To sum up, Alcoholics Anonymous can be an effective tool when used correctly but requires commitment and dedication in order to see results.
Best Option: The Alcohol Coach
It’s clear that there are other options out there for quitting alcohol, but they each come with their own unique challenges and reasons for why they don’t work for many people.
One option that has a high success rate is a program through The Alcohol Coach. Instead of perpetuating limiting beliefs, using labels to shame people, and submitting to the idea that you are out of control, The Alcohol Coach focuses on empowerment, positivity, and a label-free approach that will increase your chance of success significantly.
If you want to address alcohol dependency the right way the first time, you should learn more about The Alcohol Coach’s available programs.
Let’s Recap
When it comes to quitting alcohol, there are a few different methods available. They each come with their own sets of challenges. Quitting cold turkey and using AA meetings just simply doesn’t work for the vast majority of people.
For those looking for an individualized, label-free approach to their recovery, The Alcohol Coach may be the best option available. Ultimately, success with any of these methods requires dedication and a willingness to make lifestyle changes in order to achieve sobriety.
Hi, I'm Michela
I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!
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