I Got Drunk & Embarrassed Myself – Now What? By Michaela
There are few feelings worse than the embarrassment and regret after getting drunk and doing something that you wish you could take back. You may be feeling humiliation, shame, and guilt all mixed together, wondering how to navigate this situation and how to pick yourself back up. If this is an experience you’re going through right now then know that it won’t last forever and there are ways of healing from this emotional pain. In this post we will discuss ways of caring for yourself in times like these as well as acknowledging your needs if alcohol plays a role in your life–leading towards a healthier replacement coping mechanism afterwards.
Table of Contents
Ask a Friend to Help You Remember the Details
First thing’s first–you should get the details straight.
When you’ve had too much to drink and done something embarrassing, it can be hard to remember the details. It is important to seek out help from a friend when this happens as they are likely to have a better recollection of the event than yourself. Not only will they help you understand what happened, but they can also provide emotional support and be somebody to talk things through with. Asking your friends for help in these situations shows them that you value their opinion and trust them enough to be honest about what happened.
Additionally, seeking out a friend’s perspective can help in evaluating if there is an underlying dependence on alcohol that needs addressing or if it was just an isolated incident. A friend may notice recurring patterns such as drinking more than intended or during difficult times that could potentially lead towards problematic behavior. Being able to identify these issues early on allows for healthier alternatives such as talking through emotions instead of turning towards alcohol for relief. Understanding why one turns towards substances helps in developing healthier coping mechanisms afterwards which can ultimately prevent further embarrassing incidents.
It’s necessary to take the time to reflect and process after such events as well as seek out professional help if needed before replacing habits such as drinking with new ones. Situations like this can cause shame, embarrassment and guilt, however it’s important not to forget about your own needs when dealing with this kind of experience.
Make Amends if Necessary

Making amends after getting drunk and embarrassing yourself can be an important step in the healing process. It may be difficult to confront those you’ve wronged, but it will help you to move forward while also helping to repair any damaged relationships. Making amends doesn’t have to mean a direct apology or confrontation- it could mean doing something kind for someone you’ve hurt or offering a gesture of kindness as a way of apologizing without actually saying the words. It is also important to practice self-forgiveness and understand that everyone makes mistakes and does things they regret.
It is possible that alcohol dependence has been a contributor in this situation, as it can lead people to behave in ways that are not inline with their core values. If this is the case, then making amends should involve looking at what led up to it and identifying healthier replacement coping mechanisms afterwards. This could involve seeking professional help or joining support groups, as well as developing positive outlets such as hobbies or activities which bring joy. Additionally, reducing contact with people who might influence unhealthy drinking habits can also help prevent further issues with alcohol dependence in the future.
Signs You Need The Alcohol Coach
Is something not quite sitting right with you about last night? If you are worried about your alcohol consumption, it might be worth figuring out if you have a dependence on alcohol. Here are some signs that you need The Alcohol Coach in your life!
This isn’t the first time
If you have noticed that this isn’t the first time that you have gotten black out drunk, it might be time to seek help from The Alcohol Coach. Blacking out is a sure sign of alcohol dependence as it occurs when someone consumes too much alcohol and their body can no longer process it effectively. When alcohol dependence leads to blackouts, it’s a sign that your body has become reliant on the substance to function normally.
Other signs of alcohol dependence include feeling like you have to have an alcoholic beverage in order to relax and cope with stress, feeling irritable when drinking stops or becomes less frequent, continuing to drink even though it’s causing physical or emotional harm, or having withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, sweating and difficulty sleeping when not drinking.
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Your drinking is putting your safety at risk
Another sign that you may be suffering from an alcohol dependence is if your drinking is putting your safety at risk. If you have found yourself in dangerous situations more often than usual due to your excessive drinking, it could be a sign of a deeper problem. This can include things like driving while intoxicated, getting into fights while under the influence, or engaging in risky sexual behavior while drunk.
Anytime your safety is put in danger due to alcohol abuse it should be considered a red flag that there may be an issue with dependency. If your drinking has made it hard for you to take care of yourself and make good decisions then you need help. Taking control of the situation now will prevent any further harm coming to you.
Your friends are upset with you
If your friends are suddenly becoming upset with you, this could be a sign of alcohol dependence. It could mean that their relationships with you have been damaged due to your drinking habits, which may have resulted in arguments, broken promises, or other issues caused by your drinking. This is a sign that alcohol has begun to take precedence over other aspects of your life, such as interpersonal relationships.
Your friends might also be feeling frustrated and helpless because they can’t seem to get through to you about the effects of excessive drinking. They may feel like they’re not being heard when they express concern for your health and well-being, or feel powerless when trying to help you manage the problem. If someone you care about is displaying increasingly negative emotions towards you in response to your drinking, it could indicate an unhealthy attachment and dependence on alcohol.
You’re using alcohol to cope with a hardship
If you’re using alcohol to cope with a hardship, it could be a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. This type of behavior could potentially indicate an unhealthy dependence on alcohol. It’s important to recognize these symptoms sooner rather than later so that you can get the help you need.
When people use alcohol to cope with their hardships, they may find themselves turning to it more and more frequently as a way of masking their feelings. This creates a cycle in which the individual is unable to confront their issues without the support of alcohol, leading to increased reliance on it as a coping mechanism. Over time, this reliance can lead to serious health issues and loss of control over one’s drinking habits.
You put alcohol above all else
When you put alcohol above all else, it’s a clear sign of dependence. If you find yourself prioritizing your drinking over taking care of responsibilities, or spending more money on alcohol than necessary, these could be indicators that you need help in overcoming your dependence. Even seemingly small things like choosing to drink when faced with a problem instead of finding solutions can also point to a reliance on alcohol as a crutch.
You may even find that the times when you should have been enjoying time with family and friends are sacrificed in favor of drinking, or making plans focused on when and where the next drink will come from. If the thought of going out without drinking makes you anxious or uncomfortable, this could be another indication that there is an unhealthy reliance on alcohol in your life.
Further signs include neglecting hobbies and interests which don’t involve drinking, talking about alcohol non-stop, and spending more time with people who encourage excessive drinking habits. It’s also common for those who are dependent on alcohol to lie to themselves or others about their consumption levels and hide their bottles so as not to draw attention to their habit.
What Comes Next?
Do you have some work to do when it comes to your drinking habits? If so, The Alcohol Coach can help. The Alcohol Coach offers a free, 60-minute master class so you can learn what it’s like to work with one of the foremost experts on alcohol dependence in the world. Book your session now and discover what freedom from alcohol feels like!

Hi, I'm Michela
I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!
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