Beer Has No Gender: How To Stop Binge Drinking For Women By Michaela Weaver
Table of Contents
Why Drink in the First Place
Women are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than men, and women who use excessive amounts of alcohol are more prone than men to develop serious drinking problems.
But why are they drinking? The old adage that vodka is a woman’s only ally doesn’t quite ring true.
According to statistics, women binge drinkers have more than twice the incidence of men when it comes to suicide, accidents, and other health-related difficulties. This information is alarming and should serve as a caution to women who enjoy binge drinking, but why do they enjoy it so much? What does any woman get from consuming alcohol?
Women, like men, seek to get away from their issues by drinking the night away. Their problems may involve their loved ones, their work, or some personal issues.
There is no one definite answer to why women drink, but there’s no denying that excessive alcohol intake has consequences for both men and women.
Furthermore, people who binge drink are more prone to develop an alcohol dependency.
Heavy drinking regularly raises a person’s tolerance to alcohol, requiring them to drink more to obtain the desired benefits. And, when a person’s tolerance to alcohol increases, they can become physiologically reliant on it, requiring them to drink to even function effectively.
How will you know if you’re suffering from an alcoholic problem?
You may have an alcohol issue if the consequences of drinking are producing problems for you or others.
Also, if you have a family history of alcoholism, your chances of developing an alcohol problem are higher.
Be Brave Enough to Change Your Relationship with Alcohol
If you’re concerned about your drinking habits, you have a variety of solutions, but let’s start with basic ones such as modifying your environment.
If you feel safe confiding in your ‘sisters’ or friends, there are many non-alcohol pastimes they can undertake with you.
Finding other coping methods is also a fantastic way to avoid drinking. Binge drinkers frequently utilize alcohol to cope with bad emotions.
Finding alternatives can help you quit a little easier.
Mindfulness, athletics, reading books or blogs, yoga, especially with friends are all examples of healthy coping methods.
Joining a masterclass can also be advantageous because it allows you to socialize while avoiding drinking. If your friends aren’t on board with this concept, you may need to politely decline future offers to mingle in trigger-rich locations.
Consider who, when, and where you’re most likely to consume alcohol, and then come up with alternatives to keep you occupied in your spare time.
Try Abstinence
Abstinence is definitely worth trying. While you may believe that cutting back on your drinking is the answer to binge drinking, you should consider completely abstaining from alcohol use.
This is especially true if you are displaying indications or symptoms of alcoholism.
For some people, quitting altogether is simpler to manage than reducing the number of drinks they consume.
If you’re having trouble quitting drinking or want more information, several organizations can assist you. Local gatherings can be found on the internet.
Work With Professionals
If you’re physically addicted to alcohol and try to quit, you can encounter unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as tremors, nausea, and despair.
With the support of a coach, these programs can help you deal with these symptoms in a safe atmosphere. It makes the whole procedure a lot more pleasant, especially if you’re currently suffering from other health issues.
You can acquire strategies to help you quit drinking in these programs with the help and guidance of your coach.
You are not alone if you or a loved one is struggling with substance misuse. Join our programs now or you can also check out our free resources such as videos and articles that are worth your time browsing.
Participate In Online Lectures
Alcoholism can sometimes progress to the point where self-treatment is both impractical and ineffectual.
As a result of abrupt abstinence, long-term alcoholics are prone to face potentially life threatening withdrawal symptoms.
Seizures, hallucinations, and death from delirium tremens are all possible withdrawal symptoms.
Some free classes available online provide answers to why you are not to blame for your alcoholism, how a simple shift in perspective can profoundly modify how you think and feel about alcohol, and other key principles that will undoubtedly help you.
You’ll discover healthy coping methods, understand the fundamental cause of your dependency issues, and learn practical life skills that will boost your chances of long-term sobriety once therapy is completed as part of your treatment program.
Don’t wait to take action if you’ve lately realized that alcohol use has become a part of who you are. Excessive alcohol use can cause irreversible brain and bodily damage, as well as death. Start your adventure now, before it’s too late tomorrow.
Understanding the hazards and potential health benefits of alcohol can be difficult, which is unsurprising given the lack of evidence favoring moderate alcohol consumption in healthy adults.
Surprisingly little is known regarding the hazards and benefits of moderate alcohol consumption in healthy persons.
Almost all lifestyle studies, such as food, exercise, caffeine, and alcohol, rely on patient memory and honest reporting of one’s behaviors over a long period.
These studies may show that two things are linked, but they do not necessarily mean that one causes the other. Adults who are in good health may participate in more social events and consume modest amounts of alcohol, but alcohol does not affect their health.
Any putative benefits of alcohol are minor, and they may not apply to everyone.
In reality, the most recent dietary guidelines state unequivocally that no one should begin or increase their alcohol consumption just for the sake of prospective health benefits.
Many people find that the potential benefits do not outweigh the risks and that abstaining from alcohol is the best course of action.
If you’re a light to the moderate drinker who’s in good health, on the other hand, you can probably continue to consume alcohol as long as you do so sensibly.
Hi, I'm Michela
I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!
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