Stop Binge Drinking: The Ultimate Hypnotherapy Guide By Michaela Weaver

Sleeping is thought to be tiny slices of death, but did you know that it may also be tiny slices of hope for kicking excessive drinking to the curb?

Let me introduce you to Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis appears to have a wide range of benefits for a variety of psychological, bodily, and behavioral difficulties and conditions, according to research.

The word “hypnosis” derives from the Greek word “Hypnos,” which simply means “sleep”. So, Yes, sleeping is the key!

Understanding Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis, more specifically, is a type of hypnotherapy, sometimes known as guided hypnosis, which is a type of psychotherapy.

This may sound somehow absurd but trust me this is the real deal and it is occasionally utilized in counselling sessions to assist a patient or relax a client.

You have nothing to worry about when the person who does this is a skilled psychologist. He or she puts the person into a hypnotic state, or “trance,” so that he or she can explore unpleasant, traumatic, and repressed memories that are “hidden” from the conscious mind safely and openly.

This “shift” in awareness can help certain patients or customers see real-life situations, feelings, and events in a “new light” – for example, marital problems, stage fright, work disputes, and chronic pain.

An individual becomes more “open” to the hypnotherapist’s or psychologist’s recommendations and instruction while “under hypnosis.”

As a result, he or she can create positive life adjustments virtually instantaneously. Unbelievable isn’t it?

It can feel like watching a magician perform tricks but this one is not to entertain but rather to help an individual cope with their addiction.

This type of therapy is classified as complementary medicine, and it aims to use one’s mind to help lessen or eliminate several conditions, including psychological anguish, phobias, and harmful, destructive, or dangerous habits like drinking.

The ultimate goal of hypnotherapy is to induce a good change in a person while he or she is asleep or sleeping.

hypnosis binge drinking

Techniques Used In Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy employs a variety of techniques, none of which are similar to those seen in movies, such as the swinging of a pocket watch.

Suggestion therapy is the first technique. It is based on the patient’s capacity to respond to the hypnotherapist’s or psychologist’s ideas and direction while in a “trance-like” or altered state.

This strategy is frequently used to control or quit undesirable or unhealthy activities such as smoking, gambling, nail-biting, and overeating. Furthermore, evidence suggests that suggestion therapy can promote positive and healthy behaviors such as self-motivation and self-confidence.

Another technique is relaxation, in which the hypnotherapist will lead you to envision yourself in a state of serenity and relaxation, even when confronted with a problematic behavior or the object of your anxieties.

Certain cognitive-behavioral coping methods, such as guided imagery and then STOP! The command may also be taught to you.

Coping skills are a tool that you might employ while tackling worries or anxiety. You will almost certainly be subjected to analysis throughout hypnotherapy sessions.

It is particularly successful at “digging deep” into the subconscious mind to retrieve repressed memories of prior traumas, as well as anything else that may be causing psychological anguish, mental health issues, or troublesome behaviors.

This technique, sometimes known as “regression therapy,” is more exploratory. The analysis’ primary purpose is to identify the underlying reason, issue, disorder, and/or symptom of a person’s suffering. A psychologist first hypnotizes the subject by putting him or her in a relaxed state before beginning the analysis.

Then he or she assists this person in exploring past incidents in his or her life. The purpose is to elicit the individual’s unconscious memories of the occurrences for him or her to move on. They say the past is the past, but hypnotherapy shows that you need to comprehend your history to understand your present and go forward into the future, so don’t be scared to go back in time.

Just a friendly reminder that this technique is not intended to “cure” or “alter” an individual’s behavior.
Rather, the idea is to figure out what’s causing the person’s distress and then treat it with psychotherapy.

Hypnotherapy Aids In Preventing Binge Drinking

Okay, hypnosis aids in relaxation and comprehension of our past, but how can it aid in binge drinking or alcohol addiction?

It works like this: while in a hypnotic state, the person being hypnotized is more receptive to the hypnotist’s or hypnotherapist’s suggestions. They usually grow more submissive and obedient to the hypnotist’s or hypnotherapist’s instructions.

They can also become more imaginative, more receptive to fantasy, and sometimes more able to access long-forgotten memories, however, it’s important to remember that the memories we recall while in hypnosis aren’t necessarily trustworthy.

This will put the patient in a more relaxed and suggestible condition, allowing him or her to see their addictive habits from a fresh perspective.

Quitting a substance or habit that is vital to one’s existence, which is ordinarily impossible, can appear feasible and desired.

Persons respond to hypnosis differently, just as they do to other medications and therapies. Some people who receive hypnotherapy sessions may develop the ability to break free from certain long-term behavior patterns while awake.

Despite various myths regarding hypnosis and hypnotherapy, when conducted by a skilled hypnotherapist, it is still considered safe, and even self-hypnosis is still deemed safe.

Several studies have also shown that hypnotherapy can aid in the treatment of addictions since hypnosis can help patients improve their willpower in the face of addictive urges and cravings by using the power of persuasion.

Well, come to think of it, if you were hooked to alcohol and someone told you to simply stop, would you listen? Almost certainly not!

However, if you have had a dream about someone significant in your life passing away and telling you to quit, would you listen? Maybe a little more than the previous example? Why?

Because dreaming is similar to hypnosis, it reduces a person’s peripheral awareness while increasing attention and suggestibility, potentially altering neurophysiological networks that can rewire specific patterns and programming.

This means that even after waking up from a hypnotic trance, a person’s feelings and behaviors are still influenced.

Those who believe that hypnosis is magical and that it will cure their addiction in a single session, well listen up, we hate to break it to you, but it isn’t. Hypnotherapy is not a magic solution; it is a method for unlocking human potential via the power of persuasion.

So, the next time you fall asleep and someone from your dream gives you advice, listen to it! It may be a piece of advice from your fairy-godmother or your therapist.


Hi, I'm Michela

I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!

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Michaela Weaver

Michaela is the world's leading authority for enabling highly successful women to embrace their true, alcohol-free, authentic selves in a world where alcohol is normalised for those who are successful. Her ground-breaking science-based methods using The Science of Transformational Freedom, result in the revelation of uncovering The Social Secret®, so that high achieving woman can joyfully live their lives free from alcohol – but also thrive in all aspects of their work and personal life without it.