Mommy Is A Secret Drinker!: 10 Things To Spot

secret drinkers

It is estimated that 17 million adults in the U.S. are secret drinkers. Over half of the population don’t know it.

These people aren’t drinking at home. They’re drinking at work. They’re drinking with colleagues. They’re drinking in the car. And they’re drinking with their friends.

If you are interested in knowing more about the signs of secret drinking, just keep reading.

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Alcohol Addiction Among High Earning Professionals [Stats]

Why are so many high-profile professionals struggling with alcohol addiction As many as 1 in 20 UK GPs are dependent on alcohol, with half drinking at least twice a week ‘because of the NHS crisis.’   Doctors suffering with alcohol addiction are not only putting their own health at risk, but also the wellbeing of patients…

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