Mommy Is A Secret Drinker!: 10 Things To Spot By Michaela Weaver
It is estimated that 17 million adults in the U.S. are secret drinkers. Over half of the population don’t know it.
These people aren’t drinking at home. They’re drinking at work. They’re drinking with colleagues. They’re drinking in the car. And they’re drinking with their friends.
If you are interested in knowing more about the signs of secret drinking, just keep reading.
Table of Contents
‘Am I A Secret Drinker?’: Understanding What Is Secret Drinking
When observing an alcoholic, some of their habits will raise red flags. They may have a sly drink before a social occasion because they need to drink more than most to have the desired effect from alcohol; some call this pregaming.
Is someone surreptitiously drinking if they drink alone? No. In this case, the intent is the vital differentiator.
Why Do Secret Alcoholics Hide Their Empty Bottles
As part of a game strategy, the secret drinker hides her drinking.
She hides alcohol from friends, family, and others to make it appear as if he or she drank the same amount as everyone else.
If someone close to you seems to lie about how much they drink regularly, this is a red flag that they may have a problem. It could also indicate alcoholism if you or someone you know hides booze or empty bottles in the trash.

10 Red Flags Of A Secret Drinker
Did you know that only 20% of people diagnosed with alcoholism seek help?
Personal relationships can be ruined by alcoholism.
Physical conditions arise due to higher alcohol intake. Cirrhosis, for example, is a life-threatening condition that can develop over time.
The most frightening aspect of alcoholism is how easily it can be hidden.
Someone close to you could be a covert alcoholic, and you wouldn’t realize it until it was too late.
On the other hand, there are a few red flags that you should be aware of.
Continue reading to learn how to detect whether a loved one is hiding their fight with alcoholism.
High Tolerance To Alcohol
An exceptionally high tolerance to alcohol is the first elusive red flag of alcoholism. Alcohol tolerance is affected by various factors, including weight, height, and gender.
An alcoholic’s body, on the other hand, reacts to alcohol differently than the ordinary person’s. As a result, if your loved one can drink more than someone of similar size and gender, be cautious.
Being Always the Most Inebriated
Your hidden alcoholic drinker will be unable to say no to alcohol and will need to consume significantly more to get the same level of intoxication. They may ‘fill up their levels’ before a night out by drinking in secret and appearing exceptionally inebriated while not consuming much in front of you.
Use Of Vodka
Keep a lookout for tiny symptoms of a secret alcoholic’s preferred beverage: vodka. The fundamental attraction of vodka is its transparent look, which makes it difficult to differentiate from water.
Check whether your loved one has poured a clear liquid into their coffee or drink. Unlike many other alcoholic beverages, it doesn’t have a significant odor. Look for any stray vodka bottles, as well as any receipts bearing the word “vodka.”
Unusual Mood Swings
You might realize that your loved one has utterly unpredictable emotional patterns. Alcoholics may appear irritated, agitated, or unwell if they don’t have enough alcohol in their system. All of these are classic signs of alcohol withdrawal.
They can be peaceful one minute and then become ferociously angry the next. Irritability symptoms can emerge 6-12 hours after their previous drink.
Arguing More Frequently
If you ask an alcoholic about their drinking, they will become defensive about their conduct and engage in an argument.
They will be irritable, fractious, and impatient regularly. They may claim that they are stressed out at work or makeup explanations to justify their actions.
Being Deceptive and Lying
You might notice that a covert drinker is becoming less responsible, slipping into debt, missing work, ignoring their children, or staying up too late. They will lie to cover up their drinking, even if it means lying outright.
Having a hard time remembering things
Alcohol has an impact on more than simply one’s emotions. It can also affect a drinker’s memory. Some memory problems are just temporary.
Even moderate drinkers, for example, may experience minor impairment.
Heavy drinkers, on the other hand, are more likely to have blackouts, which are significantly more dangerous. It’s conceivable for a heavy drinker to have long-term brain damage.
Even abstinence won’t be enough to heal their brain at that point. Alcoholics, on the other hand, can avoid future harm if they stop drinking.
Secret Alcohol Drinking Outcomes
Alcoholism has a significant impact on behavior. It can lead someone who previously had strong morals into slackening their standards. This could include missing a crucial event or failing to show up for work.
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Withdrawal From Socializing
Some alcoholics shun social engagements to hide their drinking. This would be a significant red indicator if the person was formerly exceptionally social.
Isolation is a typical depressive symptom.
However, it can also be an indication of alcoholism. Frequently, the two issues are intertwined.
Don’t be scared to reach out to your loved ones if you observe them acting more secretive than usual.
Self-Care Is Lacking.
The personal hygiene and physical look of a covert alcoholic will deteriorate. They may begin to shower less frequently or refuse to dress.
They may also cease doing things beneficial to their health, such as exercising regularly.
When drinking becomes more than a leisure activity, a person may acquire physical or psychological addictions.
Anyone with an alcohol addiction should not stop drinking suddenly because the withdrawal symptoms can be harmful and even fatal.
Drinker’s Secret: How Secret Alcoholics Hide Drinking
A prevalent attribute of a covert drinker is deception. They’ll use various strategies to hide the presence of alcohol and any traces of their binge drinking. These are some of them:
- Disguising The Amount Of Alcohol They Consume
It’s difficult to detect how much wine has been consumed from a bottle because of wine boxes or opaque bottles. Clear spirits, such as vodka, can be easily changed with water to fool someone into believing they have had less alcohol. Shampoo bottles, flasks, and water bottles have all been used to conceal alcohol by people who are secretly drinking.
- Keeping Bottles Hidden Throughout The House
Secret alcoholics will begin to hide beverages in numerous locations throughout the house. You might be living with someone exhibiting all of the indicators of alcoholism if you find bottles beneath the couch, spirits in the airing cupboard, or beer cans in the car.
- Getting Rid Of The Alcohol Odor
How do alcoholics hide the smell of their drinking habits? They may keep mints or chewing gum on their person or in their automobile at all times. They may also insist on purchasing mouthwash that contains alcohol, even though it is intended to conceal lousy breath. This implies that any strange odors can be easily explained.
- Keeping Distance
Another telltale indicator of someone secretly drinking is a lack of desire for physical interaction. Because it helps us lose our inhibitions, alcohol makes people more amorous. However, someone close to you may be avoiding intimate contact because they don’t want you to smell alcohol on their breath.
How The Alcohol Coach Can Assist You In Overcoming Your Secret Drinking
If you or someone you know exhibits any of these behaviors, it’s time to seek help. The Alcohol Coach offers a variety of masterclasses and programs to help people overcome their alcoholism. Because secret drinkers are prone to denial and resistance, specialized intervention may be the only option to address their behavior and recognize that they have a problem.
Our professional coach can work with families and addicts to help them acknowledge that they need treatment and support them through various coaching programs to help them safely withdraw from alcohol. Here on the website, you can access our helpful but free resources.
Free Masterclasses last 60 minutes on average, whereas science-based coaching programs can run up to six weeks and longer. The goal of The Alcohol Coach is to understand why someone is covertly drinking and assist them in finding the best path through and out of addiction. We also help loved ones and friends because secret drinking can be harmful inside families. We will examine every element of the individual’s life to design a future-proof recovery plan that will allow everyone to be free of the toxicity of alcoholism and experience a brighter future.

Hi, I'm Michela
I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!
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