10 Weeks No Alcohol: 6 Positive Effects By Michaela Weaver
If you want to live a life that is happier and healthier, where you are free to do the things you want to do, and you can do everything that you want to do, then you probably have to learn how to cut out alcohol.
Most of our clients are high-performing and successful women, and alcohol has become a time-thief and leaves them feeling mentally exhausted with the cycle of wanting and not wanting to drink.
Many clients report relationships affecting loved ones, including partners, husbands, grown-up children, and even grandchildren. Overall the effects of alcohol leave women feeling inauthentic and inadequate.
You may have gone through rough times like that in your life. Perhaps you lost a loved one, or you have a chronic illness because of excessive alcohol intake.
You may be sick of feeling guilty every time you want a drink. If you’re going to prevent future health problems and get a better quality of life, this article is for you.
There are numerous reasons you may choose to abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages. It’s a lifestyle shift for some people who want to get rid of hangovers, sleep better, lose weight, and have more energy.
It could be for a challenge, to support someone else who is abstaining from alcohol, or to raise money for a good cause.
Stopping drinking may be necessary for some due to medical concerns. Perhaps it’s because they’ve developed an alcohol-related medical problem, such as liver disease, or they’ve started taking medication that interacts negatively with alcohol.
Whatever your motivation for quitting drinking, the good news is that everyone can do it. And you’re not alone if you’re thinking of cutting booze out of your life.
This page contains numerous practical suggestions for quitting drinking and the associated advantages. You can also learn about the withdrawal symptoms you can face if you go from heavy drinking to no drinking and where to obtain help.
Table of Contents
Before You Withdraw From Alcohol, Here Are Some Things You Should Know
If you believe you may be addicted to alcohol, you can talk to a coach like Michaela Weaver for advice and support.
When you’re addicted to alcohol, you don’t feel like you can function without it, and quitting can induce physical withdrawal symptoms like shaking, sweating, and nausea.
There are a variety of possible alcohol withdrawal symptoms that you may experience while detoxing from alcohol. If you have or sometimes experience these symptoms when you don’t drink, quitting drinking too soon without good help could be deadly. Here are a few examples:
Short-term Effects
Even if you are not a heavy drinker, stopping drinking will probably have short-term consequences. Some people report feeling irritable, jittery, or exhausted and having trouble concentrating, sleeping, or having disturbing dreams.
These symptoms can occur even if you used to drink at a low level or drank regularly. For the most part, they pass quickly and are only a blip on the radar before they begin to reap the benefits of abstaining from alcohol.
However, if you continue to have these symptoms after stopping for more than five days or find them highly bothersome, it’s time for you to seek medical assistance.
Physical signs and symptoms
The majority of the population does not experience any physical symptoms due to quitting drinking. Trembling hands, sweating, headaches, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, and a lack of appetite are some of the physical withdrawal symptoms.
Convulsions, fever, and even hallucinations might occur in extreme cases. Going ‘cold turkey’ might induce significant alcohol withdrawal symptoms if you are a heavy drinker or alcohol dependent.
That’s why, before quitting drinking, persons who are alcohol addicted should speak with a qualified health expert.
Your doctor may prescribe medication to aid, or you can typically refer yourself to an alcohol treatment center for help.
You can also enroll in Michaela’s coaching programs, which take a few weeks but have the potential to transform your life!
Withdrawing From Alcohol: Some Recommendations
When you’re ready to quit, the following suggestions and tactics will help you get there a little faster.
Make Your Intentions Clear
Make your family and friends know and understand your plan to quit drinking alcohol and why. You’ll be able to share your accomplishments with them, and they’ll understand why you’ve stopped accepting drinks or excursions to the pub.
Reminding yourself and others close to you why you want to stop drinking can help you stay on track, and it might even inspire someone else to give up or reduce their drinking.
Do Everything You Can To Avoid Temptations
It’s best to avoid circumstances where you could be tempted to drink initially. This could mean skipping the weekly pub quiz for a bit, or if you’re a heavy drinker, try eating at restaurants that don’t serve alcohol or volunteer to drive.
It’s critical to recognize your’ triggers.’ Avoiding the pub is a no-brainer for many individuals, but don’t forget to consider whether alcohol is still readily available at home.
Perhaps you could start making a grocery list ahead of time — if you don’t have any alcohol on the list, you’ll be less inclined to buy some.
Remember that avoidance isn’t a long-term solution, but it can help if you go it alone. When you discover The Social Secret, you will enjoy every element of life more as you write the new story!
With a science-based process, such as The Science of Transformation Freedom offered by The Alcohol Coach, the learning and mindset work means that you can go out and enjoy life to the fullest.
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3 Steps To Get Your Power Back & Solve Alcohol Problems
Attempt Something Diverse
Similarly, attempt to figure out when you usually drink and fill in the gaps with something else. For example, do you typically go to the pub after work on a Friday evening? Instead, you could arrange to meet up with buddies at a movie theater.
If you prefer to drink in front of the TV after work, try something physical instead — it doesn’t have to be the Couch to 5k; it might be getting active with YouTube instruction on anything crafts.
Perhaps you’re giving up booze to become a healthier version of yourself. Fill in the blanks with a regular workout class or a trip to the pool to help you unwind.
Reward Your Achievements
Stopping consuming alcohol is a significant step in the right direction. It’s vital to reward change this to…Consider rewarding
You’ve accomplished a lot! It is extremely tough to stop drinking after becoming addicted, but after ten weeks of abstaining from alcohol, you will notice that you are more fit and energetic than before.
Withdrawing from alcohol will not be easy. When you start to see the positive changes that happened when you stopped drinking, you will realize its adverse impacts on you. In a time that you will be tempted to drink again, remember why you started it all.
This journey comes with a clear process to follow and the correct learning you will find that you don’t want alcohol in your life anymore, and it becomes insignificant.
When you change your relationship with alcohol, it’s easy to walk away, and at that point, your life will be brighter, lighter and a whole new adventure will open up for you.
Many people still feel that drinking alcohol improves sleep quality. And it indeed makes you feel drowsy immediately, allowing you to fall asleep more quickly.
That does not, however, imply that you sleep well. After a night out, the quality of your sleep is poor due to all the toxins in your body.
So if you think that alcohol is a great way to fall asleep faster, well, that is not true. Alcohol deprives you of restful sleep.
Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor
You may notice many changes in how you look and feel if you eliminate alcohol from your life.
You might see that you have more energy, that you sleep better, or that you’ve dropped a significant amount of weight, among other things.
In the long run, you may be helping to reduce your risk of developing alcohol-related cancer, liver disease, heart disease, or stroke, as well as lowering your blood pressure.
What Happens After 10 Weeks with No Alcohol?
Because one’s body has been dependent on alcohol for a long time, it manifests a craving for alcohol.
Initially, alcoholism will harm inner satisfaction, and a person will crave alcohol. However, eating more is a ploy that alcoholics in recovery use on themselves.
Stopping drinking alcohol has so far yielded no beneficial results in the early days, but all of these signs and symptoms indicate that your body is steadily healing from alcoholism.
Sugar cravings intensify these days, and a person wishes to consume as much sugar as possible.
This is harmful to your health because white sugar is unhealthy for you, but it’s better than drinking alcohol.
For some, abstaining from alcohol for a month is a piece of cake. Others have a much harder time with it.
Still, it’s worth a shot because abstaining from alcohol for a few months has been shown to improve your health!
The body starts detoxifying quickly in mild to moderate drinkers, which might induce mild withdrawal symptoms.
However, if you have been a long-term heavy drinker, you may have withdrawal symptoms at first.
Because your body is dehydrated from alcohol use, it is best to drink as much water as possible to alleviate these symptoms.
You may find that you eat more in the first few days after quitting drinking. When we stop drinking, we crave carbohydrate-rich foods.
After all, alcohol causes blood sugar levels to rise, so individuals who stop drinking will feel as if they are avoiding sugars. Thankfully, this craving for carbohydrate-rich foods fades after a few days, though it may take many weeks to dissipate. Instead of sweets or fat, consume as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
So far, abstaining from alcohol has had a favorable impact on your body after only a month. You’ve become more concentrated and energized.
Suppose you’ve met your goal of abstaining from alcohol for at least ten weeks, congratulations! You’ve accomplished a lot!
It is extremely tough to stop drinking after becoming addicted, but after ten weeks of abstaining from alcohol, you will notice that you are more fit and energetic than before.
Let us now explain the advantages of abstaining from alcohol for ten weeks that you will see.
Benefits Of Withdrawing From Alcohol For 10 Weeks
Lose Weight Faster
Stopping consuming alcohol and replacing it with healthier foods would undoubtedly help you lose weight!
Many individuals overlook that alcohol has a significant calorie content: 7 kcal per gram. This isn’t only about the number of calories consumed.
Cortisol may be known as a stress hormone, but it has several negative consequences.
High cortisol has the significant impact of causing your body to break down muscles and store body fat faster, which is terrible for weight loss.
Cortisol production is also increased when you drink alcohol.
Have A More Restful Sleep
Many people still feel that drinking alcohol improves sleep quality. And it indeed makes you feel drowsy immediately, allowing you to fall asleep more quickly.
That does not, however, imply that you sleep well. After a night out, the quality of your sleep is poor due to all the toxins in your body.
One of the reasons you don’t feel so refreshed after a night out is that your body has had to work hard to drain everything and hasn’t had time to relax.
In addition, breaking down alcohol requires a lot of effort from your liver.
When you stop drinking, you will notice a significant improvement in the quality of your sleep. Plus, you won’t have to deal with a hangover!
Improved Resistance
Alcohol inhibits the synthesis of white and red blood cells, causing your immune system to deteriorate.
When you don’t drink for three months, your white blood cell count rises, lowering your risk of getting sick. In earlier times, this was not unimportant.
Chronic heavy drinking reduces white blood cells, necessary for good resistance. Infections caused by bacteria and viruses are more likely when this vitamin is deficient.
It’s not just because you’re more rested that you get less flu when you drink less. Your immune system is also harmed by alcohol.
For example, when you drink, the number of blood cells in your body reduces.
On the other hand, these cells are essential in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Your immune system will be improved if you stop drinking alcohol.
Improved self-esteem and confidence
With alcohol out of your life, your self-esteem will soar, and you will feel more peaceful and confident than you have in decades.
Your relationships will improve as you community from clarity, confidence, and inner peace.
Improved Liver Health
Your liver bears the weight of your drinking habits more than any other organ. This organ is in charge of detoxifying your body and breaking down all alcohol you consume.
Fatty liver develops when your liver is forced to break down a lot of alcohol in a short period.
Your liver enlarges due to the alcohol, making you feel queasy and prone to vomiting. This can potentially harm the liver.
There is 15% less fat tissue around your liver after a little over a month. After three months, your liver will have settled down, and the fatty liver will have diminished significantly.
The chances of liver injury are greatly reduced. Cirrhosis of the liver is not reversible, unfortunately.
After a few days, your liver will begin to heal, but if you continue to drink, your liver damage will worsen, and you will never fully recover. Cirrhosis of the liver, which can be deadly, can develop in the worst-case scenario.
Your liver damage is treated to a greater extent after ten weeks without alcohol, and your libido may grow.
More Radiant Skin
When you drink, the chemicals that your liver can’t process wind up in your skin. Pollutants are produced, which can cause inflammation and other issues. Furthermore, alcohol has a visible drying effect on the skin.
Overall, you’ll appear older and sick! Instead of using various skincare products, start cleansing your skin naturally by drinking more water and consuming less alcohol.
One of the best and most effective techniques to restore a healthy complexion is to stop drinking. Your skin will improve with time, mainly if you consume enough water. You begin to appear healthier.
Your skin produces new cells and has the opportunity to increase its suppleness. Your skin will appear more bright once you stop drinking.
Mood Improvement
Cortisol is a stress hormone that you’ve probably heard about. Alcohol misuse boosts the production of the stress hormone cortisol.
This has several long-term consequences, including muscular tissue degeneration and extra fat formation.
However, an overabundance of cortisol has the side consequence of making you feel persistently stressed.
Always keep in mind that excessive alcohol use and depression are linked. Without drinking, you will feel more relaxed and happy over time.
When you stop drinking, you may experience gloomy rains at first, but these will typically pass after a few months.
Additionally, abstaining from alcohol may improve your self-esteem and make you feel better. That will bring you joy! Your mood improves, and you simply feel better!
In The End
Consistent or excessive alcohol consumption, even intermittently, is hazardous to our general health.
As a dangerous drug, it has several detrimental repercussions, some of which are immediate and others that will appear over time.
In the long run, your quality of life will suffer. As a result, consuming alcoholic beverages simply serves to ruin beautiful experiences.
Fermented beverages like wine and beer are commonly consumed daily, particularly during recreational activities.
An alcoholic drink is almost always consumed during an aperitif, a business lunch, or a night out. And, in many circumstances, social pressure from others encourages drinking, even when you don’t feel like it or enjoy it.
Say farewell to alcoholism and enlist the support of the alcohol coach! However, if you already have one, refusing to consume it or quitting the habit has numerous benefits and avoids a slew of negative consequences. The most essential of these is that it aids in preventing alcoholism.
If you’re seeking help cutting back on or quitting drinking, online our expert coaching programs are here for you. The Alcohol Coach can help.
We offer science-based, and inspiring coaching programs. You may also sign up for the free masterclass and have access to free resources that will aid you in your quest towards alcohol-free life!
Please note: Although we refer to ‘alcoholism’ and ‘recovery’ in our articles, this is because these terms are often used by others.
The Alcohol Coach services come from a viewpoint of empowerment, mindset shift and high powered transformational change.
Then this happens there are no lifelong labels, no counting days, and pure unbounded freedom and discovery!
Hi, I'm Michela
I’m a leader in the science of transformational freedom for women, and someone previously addicted to alcohol. I have walked the path. I understand your concerns and fears. Here you will find some of my thoughts and insights. Happy browsing!
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